
Meditation Library

You can use these during your home practice while you are on your course. After you have completed your course, you are welcome to continue to use these to support your ongoing Mindfulness practice. Please note these should only be used by those who are or have undertaken a Mindfulness Course with us.

MBCT week 1: Home Practice is a Guided Body Scan 6 days out of 7

MBCT week 2: Home Practice is a Guided Body Scan 6 days out of 7, at different times 10 minute Mindfulness of Breath 6 days out of 7

MBCT week 3 - 6 days out of 7 Stretch and Breath alternating with Mindful Movement. 3 Step Breathing Space 3 times a day, at set times

MBCT week 4 - Home Practice: Sitting Meditation 6 days out of 7, or alternative days with Mindful Walking. , 3 step breathing space regular 3 times a day and responsive as required

MBCT week 5 - Home Practice Sitting with Difficulty alternating with unguided practice in silence or with bells at 5 min intervals, continue with 3SBS as before

MBCT week 6 - Home Practice practice your own selection of mediations for 40 mins a day Plus 3SBS as before