Our Courses
Mindfulness - 8 weeks
Mindfulness based cognitive therapy for Life (MBCT-L)
Online Autumn 2024 COURSE FULL
13th January 2025 places available
This course was developed by the world-leading University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre. It offers mindfulness practices and exercises to cultivate a friendly, curious and compassionate awareness of present moment experiences in the mind and body. It teaches skills for working with stress, chronic pain and low moods. It also cultivates appreciation and savouring life’s joys, resulting in more fulfilling experiences. The course is not intended as a treatment for psychological disorders and it is not suitable for people currently experiencing severe problems in these areas. This course comprises of weekly 2 hours’ sessions, which run over an 8 weeks period, complemented by home practice. All course material will be provided, cost £200.
Mindfulness Taster Session
Dec 2024 tbc 7-8 pm (GMT), Online
This free online session will introduce mindfulness and include a brief taster of mindfulness exercises. It will provide information about what mindfulness is (and isn't) and detail the various courses available with Mindfulness People. A question and answer section will be included however the number of people joining each session will impact on how much interaction and space there is for individual questions. No cost.
Mindfulness Forum
Next meeting February 2025 7pm-8pm (GMT), Online
What happens after completing a mindfulness course? What sustains people’s practice after the 8 weeks course has ended?
We would like to support our mindfulness community to live with balance and respond wisely to the issues and challenges that arise in everyday life. These monthly sessions will allow people the opportunity to meet and practise in a safe and friendly group on line, guided by our us. Each session will explore and re-visit different aspects of Mindfulness, such as gratitude, compassion as well as address common challenges such as mind wandering. These sessions are for those who have already attended an 8 week Mindfulness course, with us or elsewhere. No cost.